Register for our loyalty program and start enjoying your benefits now.
Discover the benefits of Calzedonia Lover
HKD 10 = 1 point, you get a voucher every 100 points
-10% off Welcome discount
Free shipping and returns to your home and store
Get double points for your birthday
You only need to reach 100 points at this status to move up to the next level: friend status!
15% discount on your next purchase, earned every 100 points
Free shipping and returns to your home and store
20% discount for your birthday
Once you have accumulated 500 points at this status, you will move up to the next level: fan status!
20% discount on your next purchase, earned every 100 points
Free shipping and returns to your home and store
20% discount for your birthday
Congratulations, you’ve reached the top! Don’t stop so you can keep enjoying the benefits you’ve earned
Register or sign in to your Calzedonia account and join the programme
Immediately enjoy exclusive benefits for subscribers
Earn points to get even more benefits:
HKD 10 = 1 Point