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Ako odaberete mogućnost „Ostani povezan”, aktivira se kolačić koji će vam omogućiti da ostanete povezani sa svojim računom čak i na kraju sesije. Kako biste zadržali sigurnost svog računa, upotrebljavajte ovu funkciju samo na osobnim uređajima.Politika kolačića
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Sirio was founded in October 2002 in the town of Badalgama, about 60 km from the capital, Colombo. Over the years, the factory has grown into one of the country’s leading makers and exporters of corsetry products. This rapid growth was made possible thanks to the company’s policy of on-going staff training and technological innovation.
Some 2,450 people work in the factory, 94% of them women. Because the factory focuses closely on its employees, Sirio considers it essential to guarantee them access to training and development courses that offer opportunities for professional growth within the company.
Sirio guarantees all its employees free access to the company canteen, infirmary and transport service. A programme has been put in place for employees and their families, offering free appointments and treatments with specialised doctors. Every year, the factory organises a yearly event in which workers and their families can spend time together, take part in competitions, win prizes and generally enjoy the festive atmosphere. Charity activities are also proposed, such as the donation of clothes and products to struggling local families.
Over the years, Sirio has developed an innovative technology for recycling and re-using waste water, which is treated in compliance with the most stringent safety standards. In addition, every year, for World Environment Day, a number of educational events are organised, with activities such as planting trees in the areas around the company. This commitment to sustainability issues earned the company the “Best corporate citizen sustainability Award” from 2017 to 2019.
The people who work with us have always been our most invaluable resource, so a presentation of our factories would not be complete without hearing from them. Here are the stories of those who produce our items every day:
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